Dolen is the
Editor in Chief for Mabel White DIY and author of
over 25 DIY books, 1,000 articles and several TV "how to" Films.
Deborah Dolen is also an environmental writer and has
her own content syndication. Deborah Dolen was widowed
when she was on her 30's and went on to raise three
great daughters in FL up against many obstacles. This
is the time period she generated her most fascinating DIY books.
Deborah Dolen was born in a Catholic Infant Home on Niagara Falls, the U.S. side. It was known as Our Lady of Victory. Deborah grew up in the Adirondack mountains in Upstate New York although moved around a lot and always in transition. Her teenage years were more stable and thoroughbred race horses were her passion. She skipped school a lot in the 70's to walk and groom the likes of Man o' War and Secretariat. When she was not grooming horses in Saratoga she was hitting the ski slopes of Killington in Vermont, Pikes Peak, or Gore Mountain to name a few. To this day K-2's are her favorite skis and Head are her favorite bindings.
In her 20's Deborah Dolen built some 520 legal clinics for the poor from the ground up and ran for 17 years. People simply needed affordable legal access and that still has not changed much. Having grown up poor and discriminated against-even disallowed to play with certain toys...Deborah had never been a quiet type and bucked many regimes as an adult. In the 80's she felt almost all legal fees were oppressive to the majority for no reason and feels they still are. Her organization helped well over 100,000 people. Many of those were able to teach other people in turn. As with health care, Canada does not charge its citizens for most common family law issues and Deborah feels family issues, including financial ones, should not be a feeding frenzy in the states as it still certainly is. No one should profit of the demise of another person.
Fast forward a few decades and Deborah Dolen is very much into flying and canine rescue as well as DIY projects she writes about and films from her Florida home. Although her passions have always been with horse racing she is very into auto racing, focus and performance in Daytona and Charlotte, NC. Deborah presently writes about environmental topics beyond DIY subjects that will always fascinate her. Her dog Ringo, adopted from Katrina, is usually by her side.