AROMATHERAPY - Chapter VII Storage & Life Span of Essential
Oils by Deborah Dolen
Excerpt How to Make Perfume and Aromatherapy Basics Copyright ©
Deborah Dolen 2011 This e-book is available in full version on Amazon
Kindle and Barnes
and Noble Nook. By Deborah Dolen Mabel White
Like a fine wine, some oils get better with age! These include clove,
rose, patchouli, sandalwood, spikenard, myrrh and vetivert improve as
they age, but others, notably the citrus oils, oxidize and can become
irritating and toxic with age.
Vetivert, I've had for several years, has a gorgeous deep sandalwood
scent. At the time of this writing, Sandalwood is $1,500 a pound and
Vetivert $100 a pound. Essential oils high in antioxidants, such as
carrot and black cumin--should also last for many years. Fading is the
only affect I have noticed over many years. Some essential oils are
more delicate than others. Lemon and clary sage seem to fade a little
after a year, but lavender, tea tree, and clove for instance seem to
hang in for two or three.
Most important to the life span of essential oils is the quality you
buy in the first place, and then how you store it. Tightly sealed dark
glass bottles stored in a cool dark place. Metal bottles, I really
like--do tend to corrode inside after 3 years. I am sent professional
grade metal containers that are treated and do not do that. Glass is
the ideal vessel as it does not absorb the oils. Plastic is not going
to work unless it is a non-petrochemical composition and there is one
I like and used only for small amounts. Essential oils when stored in
fully topped up, tightly sealed, light impervious containers in a cool
place 68 degrees Fahrenheit (under 20 degrees Centigrade), preferably
under nitrogen, can last from 6 months to 2 years.
Oxygen degrades oils - causing some to lose beneficial properties and
causing some constituents to become irritants or sensitizers
(especially citrus & conifer oils), so keep bottles tightly closed and
out of direct light. It may be advisable to rebottle to smaller
bottles as oil is used to minimize the headspace (thereby minimizing
contact with oxygen).
Bottles do not need to be colored or dark, that is more of a myth.
What color is your bottle? Unfortunately many people have succumbed to
the fear mongering and propaganda put forth by the makers of colored
glass when it comes to storing essential oils. The amber glass makers
will tell you that amber is best, the green glass makers will tell you
that green is best, etc. The truth is that most essential oils are
photochemically inactive in the visible region and reactive in the
ultra-violet (UV) region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Since UV
light of high enough energy to cause photochemical reactions in most
organic molecules is absorbed (not transmitted) by normal glass,
regardless of color, it makes no difference if the oils are in brown,
blue, green, purple or whatever color glass. Of course there are a few
exceptions, like with the chamazulene containing oils (blue chamomile,
blue yarrow, blue tansy, etc.) that you would not want to store in
colorless bottles for long periods under heavy lighting conditions.
This is because chamazulene has strong absorption in the VISIBLE
region of the spectrum (thus the intense dark blue color of these
oils) and so it is the lower energy visible light and not just UV
light that can significantly effect these oils. But even so, thermal
degradation and reaction with oxygen are the biggest enemies of these
blue oils, which is why all of our chamazulene containing oils are
refrigerated and stored under nitrogen, maintaining the nice dark blue
color when you receive your shipment (many times you will find that
other suppliers selling these oils will ship them after they have
turned dark green due to oxidation from improper storage).
I know many people will still believe they have to keep their oils in
drab brown bottles, even after reading this, but I can tell you that
based on the research I have done and famous chemists I hang with, it
makes no difference what color the bottle is for most the oils. You
can extend the life of your oils with ROE, Rosemary Oleoresin
extract--which is not to be confused with Rosemary Essential Oil. ROE
slows down the oxidation process dramatically, as well as a pinch of
Dendtritic salt. ROE is a dark green, syrupy looking ingredient and
can be used at under half a percent (max) to your total. These days I
like just adding vitamin e and dendritic salt. I am no longer really
crazy about ROE.
I store my more precious essential oils in a wine cooler. This ensures
a dark and cool place and stays at about 62 degrees F, about 62
celsius. Plus they can be on "display."
Excerpt How to Make Perfume and Aromatherapy Basics Copyright ©
Deborah Dolen 2011 This e-book is available in full version on Amazon
Kindle and Barnes
and Noble Nook. By Deborah Dolen AKA Mabel White