Dolen found the challenge of building this apothecary
model was the age of the historical building.
She had little choice but to go "rustic" and used her
education in the UK at Napier's and Culpeper's as a
basic blueprint as far as the product presentations
themselves. The apothecary sold hand creams,
foot balms, lip balms, natural liquid soaps in
peppermint, lemon, lavender and plain as well as natural
care for pets such as canines. So excited to open
her first storefront she originally built the model of
the store layout in her own home.
The stainless steel bottles are essential oils from all over the world. Soaps were embellished whimsically with dried organic petals and bath salts as well. Most product was protected using glass apothecary jars Deborah Dolen was able to secure from target. Some jars had a chalk board type spot where the product name could be scribed with a piece of white chalk. Already made gift boxes were a great seller, mainly husbands too busy to really shop. Deborah closed this shop to return back to Florida after Hurricane Ike Hit Galveston and has not reopened it. The shop was a great success but she found her time not well spent in a direct retail setting. Meaning she could get no writing done at all.